This is a demonstration store. You can purchase products like this from Pure Fix CyclesSpokes are for suckers! They add weight, increase drag, and transmit harsh road bumps up to the rider, but for years they've been the only way to keep your hubs attached to your wheels. Until now.
Thanks to dynamo-hub powered electromagnets, neodymium rim inserts, and some engineering magic, the Nikola makes spokes a thing of the past. At low speeds, the magnetic field generated keeps the rims stable and allows some wiggle-room to absorb road shock (imagine invisible magnetic shocks and you'll get a sense of how cool it is), at higher speeds the stronger field keeps your rims stiff so you don't lose any energy to flexing like on a standard spoked wheel. This is bascially the coolest thing you're going to see all year. 1 part mag-lev train, 1 part urban-assault bicycle, 100% Pure.
*43cm will come with a rear brake and 650C wheels.
See our full specifications.